Become an Election Day Poll Worker

Be Election Ready

The Office of the City Clerk is the Supervisor of Elections for the City of Miami Springs. The Miami-Dade Elections Department is recruiting for tech savvy, civic-minded, customer service-driven individuals (who are also registered voters within Miami-Dade County) to join their growing poll worker team. As technology has advanced, so too have their requirements at the polls. They have positions spanning voter ID (check-in) inspection, balloting, and overall polling location management. They invite you to get involved. 

You can submit you application to serve as a poll worker online. Poll workers are required to attend a mandatory training and are paid for both training* and their time spent at the polls via a stipend. If you or anyone you know fit the above poll worker profile and have an interest or would like to learn more, please see their poll worker information at:

Join the Elections Department as they all prepare to Be Election Ready! 

Miami-Dade Elections Department

T: 305-499-VOTE (305-499-8683)