Councilman Walter Fajet

Councilman Walter Fajet

Councilman Walter Fajet, Group III

Tel: (305) 805-5006

Email: fajetw [at] (fajetw[at]miamisprings-fl[dot]gov)

Dr. Walter Fajet has been a Miami Springs Resident for over 40 years. He attended Springview Elementary, where his mother, Mrs. Fajet, taught for over 30 years. He attended Miami Springs Junior High and graduated from Miami Springs Senior High School. After college, he worked at his alma mater, Miami Springs Senior High, as a Language Arts and Reading teacher for several years and returned years later to serve as a Reading Coach and member of the leadership team.

His career as an educator has spanned over 25 years, serving Miami-Dade County Schools in many capacities, culminating in being an Instructional Supervisor over Language Arts at the School District. For the past 3 years, he has had the privilege of serving his hometown, as the principal of the Middle/High School at AIE Charter in Miami Springs.

Over the years, residents of the Springs have come to know Fajet in his various involvements and affiliations:

  • In his youth, he played soccer and little league baseball.
  • Throughout his formative years, Fajet was a parishioner at Grace Lutheran Church.
  • As an adolescent, he was the Senior Patrol Leader of boy scout troop 425 where his father also served as the Scout Master.
  • For several years, he umpired baseball games for the Miami Springs Recreation Center.
  • As an adult, he helped coach Little League baseball teams in the Springs.
  • A civic-minded, regular attendee of Miami Springs Council Meetings.
  • He has served the community as a member of the City’s Educational Advisory Board.
  • He is a current member of the Hialeah-Miami Springs Rotary Club.

Walter Fajet is supported by his lovely wife, Adriana Fajet, their 14 year-old son Nicolas, and their three rescue dogs, Lola, Luna, and Nacho.

Web Links

  • fajetw [at] (Email Councilman Fajet)