Crosswalk 'Talks' on Curtiss Parkway

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Vice-Chairwoman Rebeca Sosa County Commissioner, District 6  visits with City Officials: Councilwoman Maria Mitchell, City Manager William Alonso, and Assistant City Manager Tammy Romero, to discuss the plans for the placement of a crosswalk connecting the Curtiss Parkway median and the Glenn Curtiss Circle.

This is a project that began with two residents: Maria Font and Jennifer Gonzalez, who won the "Public Space Challenge" grant money in 2018. Chief Traffic Engineer, Darlene Fernandez, also attended the meeting and provided guidance to City staff on the preliminary steps for this project.

The County will allow a crosswalk, will work with the City to determine the safest layout, and the costs involved; a presentation will be made to Miami Springs Mayor and Council.




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