Field Trips/Groups

Summer Camp Group

The Miami Springs Aquatic Center is a fun year round option for group outings and field trips. We work with local groups, schools and summer camps to provide a safe and entertaining outdoor atmosphere for kids to enjoy themselves for a few hours. 

If you are interested in setting up an event with us, please reach out to discuss availability as space is limited and fills up quickly on a first come first serve basis. 

Summer Camps

Summers are busy at the Miami Springs Aquatic Center, therefore reservations are REQUIRED in order to bring a group. Slots fill up quickly, so call to inquire about securing your spot today! 

Time:  Monday through Friday from 1pm to 3pm.

Pricing: Regular admission prices apply. MS/VG Camps & Non Profits [Proof required] are $3 per child and $5 per counselor; Non-Resident camps $5 per child and $10 per counselor. The admission for 1 counselor is waived with the paid admission of 10 children/campers. We waive the cost of counselors at a 1:10 ratio to ensure the safety of your group by assisting with the enforcement of rules and guidance of your group.  

Weather: Due to weather conditions and our Thorguard system it is possible the facility may have to shut down to wait out a potential. It is advised to contact the Miami Springs Aquatic Center at 305-805-5078 prior to your visit to ensure the status of the facility prior to heading over. Please note, this is not a guarantee it will remain open during your visit. 

What is provided: Restrooms, a place to leave your belongings, Lifejackets, and Lifeguards