The Board of Adjustment is a quasi-judicial board which serves as an opportunity for a resident or property owner that can allow for the use of property that is not otherwise permitted under the property’s specific zoning code.
The Board of Adjustment have the power to grant dimensional variances, which are fall within nonconformities from the dimensional requirements of the city’s zoning ordinance applying to height, width, location of structures, or setbacks.
Applicants for a variance must show a need for the variance and that they are not unnecessarily trying to bypass the zoning regulations. An unusually shaped lot or other unique physical characteristics of the particular property that make it hard to comply with the setback or height requirements are typically justifications for a variance.
Financial considerations are not considered a legitimate hardship. The Board then makes its recommendations based on the city’s comprehensive plan in which the City commission, will either grant or deny the request.
- Provide equity for individuals who, through no fault of their own would suffer damages if the zoning ordinance were strictly applied to their unique situation.
- Grant special exceptions when provided by the zoning ordinance.
- Hear and decide appeals from the decisions of the zoning administrative officials, shall exercise other powers as may be granted by the ordinance and adopt all rules and procedures necessary or convenient for the conduct of its business.
- Hear and decide appeals in which it is alleged there is an error in an order, requirement or decision made by the zoning administrator in the enforcement of a zoning ordinance.
Established: 1952
Meetings: Monthly/ 1st Monday
Size: 6 Members (Chairperson, 5 Members & 1 Alternate)
Term: 3 years (Staggered)