Advisory Boards and Commissions
Did you know that the City of Miami Springs currently has 13 Advisory Boards and Commissions?
These groups of citizens meet on a regular schedule to review, advise and assist the City Council with decisions in many areas that affect the wonderful quality of life that we enjoy. The Advisory Board meetings are held in City Hall and are open to the public. All residents are encouraged to attend and participate!
Should you have an interest in serving as a member, please contact the City Clerk’s office at 305-805-5005 or via email cityclerk [at] (cityclerk[at]miamisprings-fl[dot]gov) for more information.
The application can be found by scrolling down below under Supporting Documents. This Advisory Board application can be submitted via email at cityclerk [at] (cityclerk[at]miamisprings-fl[dot]gov) or in person at the City Clerk Department located on the second floor of City Hall.
The current Board vacancies are:
- EDUCATION ADVISORY BOARD provides input and guidance to the City Council in regard to all matters relating to the operation, maintenance, and future development of education and educational facilities within the City.
- RECREATION COMMISSION provide advice, assistance, and recommendations to the Parks and Recreation Director, City Staff, and City Council, informing them as necessary about the status, progress, citizen participation, and implementation of goals in matters related to City parks and recreation.