Historic Preservation Board

The Historic Preservation Board preserves and protects Miami Springs cultural, historical and archeological resources through historic designations, site management and public education by finding creative solutions and economic incentives for historic preservation efforts. A historic resource may be a building, structure, site, object, district, or landscape that may be associated with historic events; associated with important historical persons; represent a rare type of historic property; or has architectural quality or importance. Historic Preservation is a critical function that helps communities maintain a higher quality of life by preserving its cultural heritage and historic resources for future generations.


The Historical Preservation Board of Miami Springs was created and empowered by the enactment of Code of Ordinance Chapter No. 153  with the responsibility to designate areas, places, buildings, structures, landscape features, archeological sites, and other improvements or physical features as individual sites, districts, or archeological zones that are significant in the City history, architecture, archeology, or culture, and possess an integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, or association, or meet with one of the following requirements:

  1. Are associated with distinctive elements of the cultural, social, political, economic, scientific, religious, prehistoric, and architectural history that have contributed to the pattern of history in the community, the county, South Florida, the state or the nation;
  2. Are associated with the lives of persons significant in our past;
  3. Embody the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, style, or method of construction or work of a master; or that possess high artistic value, or that represent a distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction;
  4. Have yielded, or are likely to yield information in history or prehistory; or
  5. Are listed in the national register of historic places.

The process and procedures of “designation” are contained and more fully explained, within Article III of Code Chapter 153 (Sections 153-20 through 153-26).  These provisions should be carefully reviewed by any property owner who is subject to “designation” to ensure that all appropriate procedures and rights of appeal are followed and provided.

To learn more, visit our code here.


The current Board Members are:

  • Chair James Watson, PhD
  • Board Member Juan Calvo
  • Board Member Ken Wilde
  • Board Member Vivian Isla-Rey
  • Vacant


Established: 1982

Meetings: Bi-Monthly

Size: 5 members (Chairperson & 4 Members)

Term: 3 years (Staggered)