Take a College Class in the Privacy of Your Own Home!

Take a college class online!

The resource links below lead to compilations of every college program offered online in Florida that is offered full and part time, and includes local colleges as well as more well-known ones.  The databases are updated yearly and will always remain free and open. Higher education for all students and providing knowledge about what types of exciting higher education programs exist out there is important. They also contain scholarship information that students can leverage to help finance their education. We hope that our residents of all ages as well as our schools, counselors, advisors, parents and students will find them useful.


http://www.onlineschools.org/guides/florida                                                                                        http://www.onlinecolleges.net/florida/                                                                           http://www.onlinecolleges.net/florida/#scholarships

The site in the next link provides a comprehensive and informative resource that sorts out schools with accredited degree programs. It can be specifically filtered according to the degree level and the subjects/programs of your choice: Accredited Online College Degree Programs  http://www.accreditedonlinecolleges.org/degree-programs/  This is free to use and will remain open to all users.

An additional free resource that supplements this information may be found at http://www.onlinecourses.com  This is a collection of open college courses that includes video, audio lectures, notes and much more given by professors at many colleges and universities, including Harvard, Princeton and MIT.  This is a great place to explore additional educational topics and what college level classes have to offer.

The following site provides a comprehensive and informative resource that allows you to search for colleges and their respective tuition. This type of information is very valuable to today's students who are not only dealing with a more competitive higher ed environment, but also with the rising costs associated with them:  http://frugaldad.com/cheap-online-colleges/

And even more information is available at http://www.bestschools.com/online-colleges-in-florida/, http://www.bestschools.com/financial-aid-guide-online-students/ and http://www.bestschools.com/online-college-costs/ and http://www.guidetoonlineschools.com/states