How to View: ThorMobile ThorTV
If you hear a siren go off while exploring and enjoying the City, you should take notice - it’s most likely a warning that a lightning storm is approaching.
The City of Miami Springs utilizes the Thor Guard lightning prediction system at 7 of its outdoor parks and facilities.
What is Thor Guard?
Thor Guard is a fully computerized system which utilizes sensors to measure and analyze the electrostatic field in the atmosphere. The system provides a 8 mile radius coverage, with 97% accuracy within 2 miles. Thor Guard predicts the potential occurrence of lightning 8-20 minutes prior to a potential strike, depending on the speed of the storm.
A warning is indicated by one long 15-second horn blast. When a warning sounds, a yellow strobe light will continuously flash, indicating the facilities are closed due to a potential lightning event. The flashing yellow light will continue until the system indicates an all-clear with three short horn blasts. Outdoor activity may be resumed only after three five-second horn blasts have sounded, signaling that the storm has moved out of the area, and the strobe warning lights are off.
Shelter Options
Lightning kills more people in Florida than all other weather hazards combined. Most fatalities occur after a storm has passed, when people think it is safe to go out because the wind and rain have cleared, but the storm discharges one last parting bolt to an area of ground that remains charged. As such, all outdoor activities at City run recreation facilities will immediately put on hold until an all-clear alarm sounds indicating it is safe to resume activities.
If you are outdoors and hear the horns be safe, not sorry, and get your family and friends to take shelter when a lightning storm approaches, and stay out of the weather until the all-clear signals sound.
Understanding the Numbers
LHL = (Lightning Hazard Level) Percentage chance of lightning/energy within outer range (8 miles - 2 miles)
DI = (Dynamic Index) Percentage chance of lightning/energy within inner range (2 miles)
AD = (Activity Detector) Time since last discharge/lightning strike. Will countdown from 10, at Zero all clear will be indicated
FCC = (Field Collapse Counter) Represents the number of discharges within the outer range (8 miles). A quickly increasing number indicates a quickly approaching storm.