The Zoning and Planning Board is a quasi-judicial board in which investigates, reviews and recommends to the City commission such changes in the boundaries of various use districts, zoning regulations, usage of land and construction types. The Boards also serves the purpose to enforce development criteria such as setbacks, building heights, landscaping and signs to assure Miami Springs community’s appearance and surroundings are well maintained within the code standards. The Board helps to provide orderly growth and development of the community. The Board grants zoning exceptions and variances as provided in the zoning code, hears appeals of any decisions made from the Planning and Building Department and makes recommendations to the City Commission of their findings based on the city’s comprehensive plan in which the City commission, will either grant or deny the request.
- Advises on recommendations to City Commission.
- Rezoning
- Plats of subdivisions
- Changes and recommendations to comprehensive plan
- Changes and recommendations to zoning and land development code
- Make recommendations relating to the continuance of nonconforming uses
- Land development regulation
- Recommendation to approve or deny variance(s) (city commission has final decision)
- Recommendation to grant or deny appeal(s) (city commission has final decision)
- Quasi-judicial hearings
- Make recommendations on all applications for special uses
Established: 1952
Meetings: Monthly/ 1st Monday
Size: 6 Members (Chairman & 5 Members)
Term: 3 years (Staggered)