Thinking of Leaving the Money You Just Withdrew from the Bank in the Car While You Make a Quick Stop?

City of Miami Springs Florida Official Website

Don't!  Someone could be following you in a crime  known as "Bank Jugging".  While we're not sure how it got the name, we can tell you how it works.


- The term is used to describe suspects who sit in bank parking lots and watch customers go in and out of a bank. The suspects follow the customers they believe are in possession of cash and look for an opportunity to burglarize their vehicles or rob them directly.

- “Juggers” most frequently target customers carrying bank bags, bank envelopes and coin boxes.


  • Occupied vehicles backed into parking spaces with clear views of the front doors of the bank, the ATM or commercial drive thru lanes.
  • Vehicles that arrive at the bank but none of the occupants enter the bank.
  • Vehicles with little or no visibility of the occupants because of very dark or mirror window tints.


  • Always try to be aware of your surroundings.
  • Never openly carry bank bags, envelopes or coin boxes.  Always try to conceal the money before you leave the bank, whenever possible.
  • Be aware of anyone following you from the area of a bank.
  • If you suspect you are being targeted, call 911 from your cell phone and keep the dispatcher informed of your location, the direction you are traveling, and drive towards the nearest police station until marked police cars are able to locate you.
  • Minimize the number of stops between the bank and your final destination with the money.  More stops means more opportunities for the "Juggers" to burglarize the vehicle or confront you directly.
  • Do not leave or try to hide your bank bag or bank envelope in your vehicle when you exit at your next destination.  Take the money with you if you can.