The Pelican Playhouse Inc. is true community theater at its best. Operating out of the Miami Springs Recreation Center since 2000, Artistic Director Ralph Wakefield teaches year round, weekly classes introducing theater skills, performance growth and personal enrichment.
Puppets and Pantomime is taught Saturday mornings: 11am to 12noon in the Miami Springs Senior Center. This course is designed for first timers, aged 5 - 9. The goal of the course is to acclimate young actors to performing in front of an audience.
The production class is the main stage acting class that mounts the Pelican Playhouse productions. It is taught Saturday afternoon at 1pm in the Miami Springs Senior Center and is open to actors of all ages. It culminates in finished productions performed eight times over two weekends.
It is the hallmark of the Pelican Playhouse that we present our family oriented productions using both adults and children on stage together. Very often, parents and their children appear together in the same production. Pelican Playhouse performances are held in the new Miami Springs Community Center, which opened in April of 2010.
Visit our Web site at
For more information, contact Ralph Wakefield at rwakefield [at] (rwakefield[at]pelicanplayhouse[dot]org) or (305) 884-6804.