Miami Springs Photo Contributions

City of Miami Springs Florida Official Website

Very often community members offer us, free of charge, original digital or printed photos that they have taken of special events, landscapes, etc. These photos help the City to promote itself and to share the experience of living in beautiful Miami Springs. If you are considering a photo donation, please read the City’s “Work Donation License Agreement” below, and contact or 305.805.5054.

The City of Miami Springs sincerely thanks the following individuals who have contributed photos to share the vibrancy and beauty of our community with the world: former Councilman Eric Elza, Enrique Valencia, Suzanne Conlon Wolar, Ralph Wakefield, Marjorie Palmer, Ben F. Badger Jr. (, JoEllen Morgan Phillips, Lauraine Murray, Karen Borgmann, Laney Silver, Marcos Urra (DisTREEbutors, Inc.), Natasha Salmon-Cogno